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Click HereSomewere in 2019, Countryside, Near Ganga, AJAY River, Observing nature .
With MAA [Mother] in my ChildHood, taken back then in retro Camera .
cover art, edited by my friend.
Yess myself with edit .
Soumyajit Das aka Pardesi_Cat
Im from India (west bengal), Idk what i do, idk what to do, what am going to do, what is happining with me, For me, sadness + happiness, fear + joy, anger + hate +love , power + weakness Intelligentness and stupidity are born at the same point and end there. Maybe,I do mostly gaming, bash Web,server development and manage server host, running information gather investigation & learn-analyse-practice information gather & Web Vulnerability secruity ,Penester, & contribution in open source projets and painting and ofc invest in Stock market ,& iam huge fan of Indian army,Fingerprint : 7A18 77ED 5FB9 CF11 34D3 DC72 331A 2543 6287 A3CF
Click button to Visit My Social Page Social Pageterminal decoration i use "NEOFETCH" and "green on black theme" combo
and some times other shell & De themes
my main and Fav De is "Cinnamon" "Gnome" and "kDE"
My favorite icon packages name "Tela circle"
Shodan Theme | (Click to downlod zip)And I use windows only for Gaming but most of game i play on arch with lutris wine proton
Thats why i made another website for information ,
if you see that site is closed or error,then basically am updating & working
try again later or contact me for info :)
Click here for visit